
For those of you who are returning - it's great to have you back.

For our new participants - WELCOME!

If there is one thing COVID-19 has taught us, it is that we are NOT in charge - and you know what? That's okay. God knows what He’s doing. We were forced to slow down, to spend more time with family and we’ve had the opportunity to show our children what trust in the Lord looks like.

COVID also gave us the opportunity to explore new ways of doing things - we learned at home, at school, through Google Meets; we worked at home, in the 'office' and participated in more ZOOM meetings than we can count; we celebrated milestones with drive by parades and virtual parties.

What’s important is that we continue to teach our kids perseverance, fortitude, patience, joy, and hope; that we remind ourselves and our kids to be open to whatever God asks of us, no matter how weird it seems.

To that end, we have readjusted our thinking on Faith Formation. It's not just for kids - for as long as we are here, we NEVER stop learning -

we are participants in LIFElong Learning and LIFElong Faith Formation.

Lifelong Faith Formation provides a way to engage people in learning and practicing their faith at every stage of life from young children through older adults— it provides a way to connect all generations in learning and faith practice through intergenerational relationships, practices, and community life. It personalizes formation around our lives.

Our plans for Faith Formation this year seek to encourage, support and complement the powerful and awesome role that parents have of passing on our faith to children. Our Faith Formation program will provide materials and activities that will engage family members of all ages. This will include age-appropriate faith lessons, family opportunities for prayer and service, and faith stories shared by family and enriched by stories from the Bible.

Tracy Sommo Blum - Faith Formation 1-8

TracySB1123@aol.com | 203-265-6426 ext. 4
